Office 365 Integration

To successfully connect Apollo to the Office365 API an authentication process is required. To do this, we must provide the tenant _id (tenant ID), client_id (client ID) and the client_secret of the application that we will authorize in the organization.

Register Apolo #

In order to authenticate with the Microsoft identity platform endpoint, we need to register Apolo in the Microsoft Azure Application Registries section.

Once there, click on New Registration.

Write Apolo in the Name section. In Compatible account types, leave the option as «Accounts in this organizational directory only.»

Click Register.

We already have Apolo registered and we can see the information about our app in the Overview section. At this point we can also find the tenant and client IDs.

Certificates and Secrets #

You can generate a password to use during the authentication process. Go to Certificates & secrets and click New client secret. The name and expiration date of the new client secret will appear as required:

Copy and save the value. The application will not let you copy it again in the future, so make sure you have it saved.

API permissions #

Your app needs specific permissions from the API to get the information from events in Office 365. In this case, you’re looking for permissions related to the following source:

For permission settings go to API Permissions and select Add a permission. Find and select Office 365 Management APIs and click App permissions.

We added the following permissions under ActivityFeed:

  • ActivityFeed.Read
  • ActivityFeed.ReadDlp
Finally, click on Add permissions.
Updated on marzo 7, 2023